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Burlesque ~ Neo ~ Fetish ~ Live Music ~ Nerdlesque ~ Classic ~ Gorelesque ~ 

Trash Metal
Where The Wild Roses Grow
Put Your Lips Together and Blow
Darth Mauled
Who Are You?
Living Dead Girl
More, More, More!

As a burlesque performer I am an unconventional conventionalist taking classic ideas and reimagining them, working with repurposed materials and  innovative concepts making that which is familiar feel new and different.  I am an in your face and in your lap experience and thrive off of audience interaction both energetically and physically, consensually of course. I don't shy away from being, ugly, intense and horrifying and love to make my audience squirm in their seats and squeal with equal parts terror and delight. Born on Halloween I've been dressing up and celebrating my entire life and with a background in theater and an AA in Film and Television Production I am a story teller and as a performer a natural shape shifter. With all of my powers combined my performance style is a combination of invitations and permissions. I invite you to come along with me on a journey and I give you permission to enjoy yourself as much as I do!

Available For:

Hire Me

Themed Shows ~ Corporate Events  ~ Touring ~ Holiday Shows ~ Birthday Parties ~ Film ~ Music Videos ~ Television ~ Special Events ~ Ambient Encounters ~ Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties ~ Live Music ~  Conventions ~  Fetish Events ~  Private Parties ~  Festivals  ~  Diner Theater   ~ After Hour Events ~ Lifestyle Parties ~ Champagne Brunch ~ Outdoor Events ~ Fundraisers ~ Concerts ~Web Series ~ Group Classes ~ One on One Instruction~ One Off's ~  Creative Consulting


The Kit Kat Kitties:

Portland's Kit Kat Club is the Sexiest Show Club on Earth! Located in the hearth of Downtown showcasing feature entertainment  every night of the week,

Burlesque, Cabaret, Strip Tease, Circus!

~Featured Entertainer

~Mistress of Ceremonies

~Stage Manager



~Big Top Booty Drop Champion

 The Bootleg Bombshells

~ The Bombshell's where founded by

a simple twist of fate in 2013 and have

been running  Wednesday Nights in

The Venice Beach, Ca ever since! They will 

always hold a place close to my heart,

Bombshell for Life!

~ Founding Member 

~ Original Emcee

~  Featured Entertainer 

~ Co-Producer

Jumbo's Clown Girls: Jumbo's Clown Room

Lovingly referred to as my clown college the four years I spent at Jumbo's Clown Room made me the performer I am today. Jumbo's is a historic Rock N Roll bikini bar on Hollywood Blvd that's been around for just shy of 50 years. Jumbos is a quaint little venue that packs in loads of talent every night of the week: Contortionists, Pole Acrobats, Fetish, Comedy, Burlesque and of course Clown Girls! The first time I performed as a clown was at this most appropriate  of establishments. The clown sisterhood driven home by Jumbo's clown car aka a dressing room the size of a closet that houses up to 12 dancers at a time is unlike anything else in the world. I love my Clown Sisters more than I can say! #ClownGirl4Life ~

Devil's PlayGround:

Producers of

Star Girls the 

original Star Wars

inspired Burlesque

show and Wicked Oz Burlesque from Over the Rainbow.

~Darth Maul

~Wicked Witch

The Back Bar Beauties:

the Back Bar Beauties

My  Burlesque journey appropriately began in a Pussy! The Pussy Room was a little back bar at the Copper Gate in Ballard, Wa which is where my first Burlesque sisterhood was born. Beyond double white oval doors topped with a pearl lay a lavish red corridor past a cooler of champagne to a velvet and mirror covered venue that taught me to use the word intimate instead of small. There was no stage, just a curtain that opened up into the room behind which was a shower room that doubled as a dressing room for 5 to 6 performers at a time, like I said intimate. I began my career literally performing in peoples laps and I've been a lap dancer ever since. Brought together by my new burly sister from Burlesque 101 Laela Lovechild the Back Bar Beauties (Tawdry Audrey, Olatsa Assassin, Madison Avenue, Maya Papaya, Sparkle and Myself)  quickly fell into the swing of building a new show every month that we ran at venues all over Seattle. 

photo by Debora Spencer aka Sparkle


Growing up in the theater with an AA in Film Making and Television Production by the time I got to burlesque producing came quite naturally. I've been producing burlesque for almost as long as I've been performing it. From coast to coast, beyond borders, coupling art forms, small venues and large, private parties and corporate events. Whenever, wherever inspiration strikes I'll grab hold of that spark and make sweet sweet burlesque magic come to life! 


Jambortease ~  Bizarre Bushwick ~ Church of Titillation ~ All Tease All Shade ~ The Slipper Room ~  Hubba Hubba Revue ~ Metalesque ~ Grab My Junk ~ Burlesque and Beyond ~ Dr Sketchy Los Angeles ~ Wtf-leasque ~ Loose Lips ~ Cult Swim ~ Drag King Explosion ~ Toil and Trouble : Shakespeare Burlesque ~ Rebel Angels ~ Peepshow Menagerie ~Yadi Presents ~ Star Girls ~ Wicked Oz ~  Sultry Sweet Burlesque & Variety~ Club Kai Kai ~ Stripperoke ~ Hairball Burlesque ~ AL-stravaganza: Weird Al Burlesque Tribute  ~ Sienna Sinclair Naughty Girl Events La ~ Villians ~ Naked Show and Tell: A Burlesque Talk Show ~ Naked Girls Reading: Los Angeles ~  Club Anarchy ~ Bat Cave ~  Urban Fairytales  ~ The Naked Show ~ Naughty Noir ~ Sinferno ~ Burlynonicon ~ Geek-Lesque ~  EveryBody ~ Tales From The Strypt ~ Marathong ~ Starting Point ~ Let's Go Crazy ~ Alumni Spectacular ~ Highline ~ CIA ~ Club Anarchy ~ Clown Cabaret ~ Dearly Departed ~ Lusty Kitten ~ Pinch of Glitter ~ Fun House ~



Under the expert tutelage of Indigo Blue and The Shanghai Pearl of Miss Indigo Blues Academy of Burlesque in August of 2010 I was born to the stage as my newly discovered burlesque personal Donatella MeLies. Over the course of six weeks my burlesque sisters and I challenged ourselves in ways we'd never known and grew expiencially as we explored and brought larger than life extensions of our innermost selves into the world to rise and shine. Little did I know this six weeks would completely change the course of my life as I began what would be my journey to becoming a full time world traveling performer. 

As a North West native I have attended Burly Con for six of its ten years and have had the great honor and pleasure of studying under performers from all over the world in the disciplines of dance, stage presence, make up, costuming, wig styling, business, social justice, producing, fan dancing, prop making, act development, tapping, self confidence, personal healing, floor work, story telling, chair dancing, comedy, theater, backstage etiquette, pattern making, embellishment,  improv, audience interaction, burlesque history, touring and more! I have also had my work showcased in peer revues on two occasions and was a guest on a panel discussing Burlesque as a Spiritual Practice. Every opportunity and experience has been incredible and rewarding!

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